Thursday, 11 April 2013

Little Guest

Mama have been doing this guy for weeks and still haven't done! I'm having no patient anymore, I wanna play and go out with mama. Let's have a look on how's the progress on this guy.

There you are mama
Still doing on this guy?
Yea, this guy is tough...

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Day 7

It's been more than 1 week and mama still working on the amigurumi... The amigurumi is half bald... Hahaha.. You looked so uglily cute,mr.doll

Mama even work when she's out with her friend...

Mama, when will you done with it? I wanna go out and play!!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Starbucks time!

Today mama went out with her friend again, and they had lunch at Japanese restaurant and mama ordered salmon sushi!! Mama shared some for me~ hehehehe~

Alot of foods! I want to eat it too!! 
My share~ Mama, you stingy! I want more!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
After that, mama and her friend went to Starbucks, ordered another java chip! In a tumbler too!! Mama's friend ordered Dark Mocha... I want to drink BOTH of them!!

That's for today~ ♥

Good night and sleep tights! 